Kingdom of God moving on the Construction Site

How does the Kingdom of God really operate in the earthly realm?

God called us to step out in faith and build a spec house to sell. We purchased the property, crushed the old mobile home and began building a new home. We were looking forward to building a home to glorify God.

Our goal was to eliminate the old drain field and tie the new home into city services. Impact fees in our area were reasonable. The neighbor had been required by the city to install adequate pipe size to handle our property, if we ever wanted to tie in. We planned to run a ditch down the driveway, lay in some pipe and we would be up and running for low cost. The neighbor agreed to our plan. He then dropped the news. He wanted half of his original cost of laying the pipe to his house in order for us to hook to his line. Our costs suddenly ballooned for this part of the project to over $20,000. This was going to dramatically effect the profitability of the entire project.

Unsure of how to proceed I contacted Ezekiel’s Christian Ministries.

They taught me that as a born again believer, I was an adopted child of the most high God! They showed me that I was an ambassador of the Kingdom of God on this earth. The devil was trying to steal God’s profits. Ezekiel’s taught me that I needed to speak to the problems in front of me about the God I represent. This was a big change from my old ways of always talking to God about my problems.

Getting Results

Pondering what I had learned, I declared, “This sewer line will not cost more than $3000, in Jesus name!” I sat quietly in my truck praying in the spirit. An idea suddenly came into my mind, “Call the county official responsible for septic systems.” I called his office and was transferred to his cell phone. Incredibly, less than 30 minutes he was at my construction site! After a quick site review he gave us permission to use the existing septic tank. Our only stipulation was that we had to replace the drain field. Total cost, less than $3000!

Thanks to Ezekiel’s disciplining, our project ended profitably. From the profits we enjoyed supporting Ezekiel’s and several other ministries. I can’t thank Ezekiel’s enough for teaching me how to practically apply the authority that God has given us! What a joy it was to see the Kingdom of God change things in the earthly realm.

Written By: Nate Baumann